Together with airbnb create a transport solution moving the world towards a carbon neutral future.
We’ve taken inspiration from backpackers and their way of travelling including hitchhiking – an underrated form of sustainable transportation. Sharing a vehicle takes care of the environment.
Statistics show that during 2018 carpooling, registered carsharing, saved carbon dioxide equal to the amount absorbed by a forest the size of 730.000 football pitches in one year.
Shared transportation is the last component needed for Airbnb to be a total solution for travelling. Yes, it’s almost like hitchhiking, but organized and without the sketchy part.
We realised that people are more likely to take action for the environment if they are offered a simple solution for how to do it.
We simplify the art of hitchhiking by adding a new service making it easy for you to book shared transportation while traveling. By joining others you save both money and the planet while meeting new people.
By joining others you save both money and the planet while meeting new people. Airbnb Hitch is our contribution to a more sustainable way of traveling.