Condoms flushed down the toilet during highly touristic seasons are harming marine life as well as local sewage systems. When condoms are thrown in the toilet they are not biodegradable, something most people do not know.



Vacation and relaxation often means more sex, but usually with less consideration of you actions.

Also, consumers tend to throw the condom in the toilet but for the packaging they rather use the bin.


consumers tend to throw the condom in the toilet but for the packaging they rather use in the bin



“Dear Ocean” – with the aim to start a conversation about waste in the ocean. The campaign builds on RFSU’s ”Dear Condom”, where we prolong the conversation to include what happens after sex.

Also launching a resealable condom packaging, small enough to fit in the wallet but expandable to fit a used condom. Allowing a discrete and easy disposal in an instant. With the purpose to encourage users to put the condom back – and throw it in the bin.