Nükin - A child sharing app
Both our environmental crisis and climate change are the consequences of an increasing population and a higher standard of living with unsustainable consumption.
The most environmentally-friendly choice we can make right now is to have fewer children or none at all. It is over 20 times as effective as the second most environmentally friendly everyday decision, to live car-free.
The Concept
By using design fiction and provotyping I wanted to explore a UX solution to this problem. By conducting interviews, sending out questionnaires and deep diving in research. I investigated current attitudes to parenting, childhood recollections, but also historical and cultural approaches and perspectives to parenting. My research can be boiled down to the idioms “it takes a village to raise a child” and the Swedish “mina barn och andras ungar” (my children and other people’s kids).
mina barn och andras ungar
The result is Nükin, a parenting sharing service, where several adults can share the resources needed in raising a child. Through this service, we can redistribute resources and increase efficiency, promote sustainable consumption and help more people become parents while supporting the user in their parenting needs.
The Visuals
The Nükin logo and word-shape use an Ü, an appealing form, that makes one think of tech and reliability. The shape of the Ü also represents two equal characters meeting and collaborating. The letter shapes are rounded and friendly to make the product and offer easier to take in.
I investigated current attitudes to parenting, childhood recollections, but also historical and cultural approaches and perspectives to parenting
The colour scheme is energetic with colours that complement each other making interesting gradients and colour combinations. The motion design is about elements coming together to create something new, which is exactly what Nükin is about.