
During the course “Insiktsdriven kommunikation” we were challenged to identify a global problem linked to technology and to solve the problem with an insight-driven solution. The problem that we identified was the one linked with the issue of online surveillance and how it actually can threat basic human rights and our democracies. 


Companies view personal data as an asset and value it greatly, however consumers lack knowledge of how much and for what aim their data is used.


#OWNYOURDATA31 – Create a new human right to protect our right to own our data. To establish a relevant campaign to highlight the issue we chose to link the campaign with the organisation Amnesty International. Why? During our research we saw how Amnesty is one of the world’s most powerful organisations in fighting for human rights and how they sometimes use unconventional ways to prove their points. This made us see an opportunity to make for the organisation to launch a campaign that could make a change. 


The campaign aims to create awareness among people of what kind of data and how much data companies today actually have, own and collect about you.

The short-term goal of the campaign is to create a wider awareness that companies own your data. A long-term goal and vision is for this new right to become a new human right.


The hashtag #OwnYourData31 will be used throughout the campaign both on SoMe and in print. The campaign goes live with a movie where we display how people around the world are shown their digital footprints. We aim to create an emotional journey during which you are introduced to people who first tell us how much information they think companies gather about them, we then show when they get to see what companies actually know about them and how much details they have. The aim of the campaign film is to create an emotion flow of both fear and confusion and raise the question “what do they know about me?”. We end the movie with the hashtag #OWNYOURDATA31, as well as where the tab “Own your data” now exists. On the new page you can easily gather your own data from Facebook, twitter, Google etc. We simplify what social media networks have tried to make hard for users to collect in order to show exactly what they know and save about you. The hashtag will be endorsed to be used by influencers, will be shown in print and be used on SoMe posts. We see that this campaign is engaging, knowledge-building and can achieve a change in the global challenge.


We were highlighted by Berghs for creating a realistic and forward thinking concept in an interview article published on the schools website. Berghs showed great interest in our project and published an article about the work and our ideas, thought and opinions on the subject. At the same time Amnesty published a study where they themselves pushed the idea of creating a new human right regarding digital surveillance. The study was published two weeks after we showcased our project in class, showing how in tune the project was with reality and how our research was on point. 

“PR-studenternas projektidé var helt rätt i tiden”

Jacob Nilsson

Linnea Lindgren

Fannie Caroline Weidlitz

Josefin Levin Andersson